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Riku AI

2 Mins read

Riku.ai is an accessible AI platform that enables businesses to create custom solutions without coding by integrating automation tools and accessing AI models through public share links, making AI technology beneficial and easily available for all.

Code-free AI solutions

Riku.ai is a powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform designed to help businesses create AI solutions without the need for coding. With the Riku platform, users can easily integrate automation tools, build custom solutions using their API, or access AI models through public share links. The company’s mission is to make AI accessible and beneficial to everyone, giving them the ability to create content relevant to their business quickly and effectively.

Why Riku?

In today’s rapidly changing world, it has become increasingly necessary for businesses of all sizes to leverage the power of artificial intelligence in order to stay competitive. As such, Riku’s goal is to provide an easy-to-use platform that allows users from all backgrounds and skill levels an opportunity to explore and take advantage of this technology. The company offers a variety of features including integrations with popular automation tools, access to pre-trained AI models via public share links, as well as building custom solutions with their API interface. By making AI more accessible than ever before, Riku is helping businesses of all sizes take advantage of its incredible potential.


  • Easily create content relevant to your business: With the Riku platform, you can quickly generate content that is tailored towards your industry and specific needs without wasting time on generic managed solutions.
  • Integrate with popular automation tools: You can easily connect Riku with existing services you are already using via their integration feature or build your own personalised solutions using their simple-to-understand API system.
  • Build AI models without code: Utilising cutting-edge raw AI technologies, you don’t have to be a coding expert in order to take advantage of this technology; anyone can easily build an AI model using the intuitive interface offered by the platform.
  • Pre-trained models available: For those who are just getting started in the world of AI, there are a variety of pre-trained models available for quick and easy implementation into any project.


  • Costly for small businesses: Although there is a free trial period available when signing up for Riku, the long term cost may be too expensive for smaller companies who cannot justify the cost with immediate return on investment (ROI).
  • Limitations when integrating with other services: While it is possible to integrate Riku with other services such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems or web hosting services, there may be limitations imposed due to compatibility issues between different systems.

Final Thoughts

All in all, while there are some drawbacks associated with using Riku's AI platform such as cost considerations or possible compatibility issues when integrating with other services, this cutting-edge technology provides numerous benefits allowing anyone regardless of technical background accesses powerful tools that were once reserved only for elite coders with sophisticated expertise level. By offering tutorials and examples on how best use these capabilities along side reliable customer support service it makes easier than ever before creating an artificial intelligence solution quickly & efficiently whilst still achieving quality results every time.

Easily create content relevant to your business


Integrate with popular automation tools


Build AI models without code


Pre-trained models available


Costly for small businesses


Limitations when integrating with other services


  • +Easily create content relevant to your business
  • +Integrate with popular automation tools
  • +Build AI models without code
  • +Pre-trained models available


  • -Costly for small businesses
  • -Limitations when integrating with other services
Visit Riku AI
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