Automated Driving
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Mercedes-Benz Surpasses Tesla with Approved Automated Driving Tech in California

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Mercedes-Benz Leads the Way: Authorization for Automated Driving System

Mercedes-Benz secures the first authorization from the California Department of Motor Vehicles to sell or lease cars equipped with an automated driving system, outpacing Tesla in the competition.

Drive Pilot: Mercedes-Benz’s Level 3 Autonomy System

Introducing the Drive Pilot system, Mercedes-Benz enables drivers to legally relinquish control on designated highways while ensuring their availability to resume control when needed.

Operating Restrictions: Highway Usage with Drive Pilot

The Drive Pilot system is limited to daylight operation on highways, with speeds not exceeding 40 miles per hour, as stipulated by the California DMV.

Ready for the U.S. Market: Automated Driving Option for 2024 S-Class and EQS Sedan

Mercedes-Benz plans to make the automated driving system available as an optional feature for the upcoming 2024 S-Class and EQS Sedan models in the U.S., with deliveries expected later this year.

Advancing Autonomy: Level 3 vs. Level 2 Automated Driving Systems

Mercedes-Benz’s Level 3 Drive Pilot system surpasses Level 2 systems like Tesla’s Autopilot and General Motors’ Super Cruise, offering a higher degree of autonomy while still requiring driver attention.

Broadening Horizons: Drive Pilot’s Authorized Highways in California

The approval grants Mercedes-Benz permission to deploy Drive Pilot on California highways in key regions including the Bay Area, Central Valley, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, and the interstate connecting Southern California to Nevada.


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