AI in the Workplace
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The Need for Stricter Oversight of AI in the Workplace

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The Dark Side of AI in the Workplace

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in the workplace. Despite its advantages, such as enhancing productivity and streamlining effectiveness, it also presents notable dangers.

There are growing concerns about how AI implementation may infringe on worker rights. The Trade Union Congress (TUC) held a conference on “management by algorithm” to discuss these very issues.

This blog post will examine the potential hazards that the growing implementation of AI in the workplace poses to employees, highlighting the necessity for more stringent supervision.

Workforce Surveillance

One of the primary concerns associated with AI in the workplace is the potential for employee surveillance. This not only breaches data privacy regulations but also raises ethical concerns.

Employee monitoring becomes inherently difficult when AI algorithms are being used to track every move. This leads to a loss of agency among workers and exacerbates power relations between employers and employees.

Target Setting by AI

AI has the potential to set performance targets for employees. However, it can lead to serious repercussions on the employee’s well-being, with consequent knock-on impacts on the organization. There is also the possibility of discrimination creeping in, given that data fed into AI algorithms can be based on biased information.


The potential for robo-firings without human intervention is another key concern. Decision-making based on automated analysis may not account for every possible variable, which leads to possible unfair discrimination.

Furthermore, AI’s decision-making algorithms may not encompass unforeseen consequences that could arise. Such biases and inaccuracies make the case for human oversight in vital employment decisions.

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes demanding responsibilities on employers with regards to handling and utilizing their employees’ personal data. There’s a need for GDPR to be strictly enforced to protect workers’ rights.

The challenge is the potential weakening of these regulations post-Brexit and how this would impact on employment privacy rights for UK workers.

UK Government AI Principles

The UK government’s AI strategy specifies that it expects AI to be fair and transparent. However, the downside is the lack of enforcement power to back up such principles. It is crucial to take tangible measures that promote transparency and accountability for AI utilized in the workplace.

The TUC’s Recommendations

Trade Union Congress has recommended that companies come up with a right to explainability, meaning that workers have the right to access and challenge the algorithms that are being used to make decisions about their employment.

Consultation with employees is also essential to ensure the ethical and non-harmful implementation of AI.

Prioritizing Ethical Accountability for AI in the Workplace

It’s clear that stricter oversight of AI is essential in the workplace. Companies must prioritize the ethical use of AI, even when it is set to bring about commercial gains.

As AI technologies continually progress, it is even more necessary to consider how these systems impact the employment rights of workers. Clear and ethical accountability of AI is the first step towards ensuring AI benefits workers across industries. We must work together to achieve AI that is fair, transparent and ethical.


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