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make an interactive map

Textomap is a web application that enables users to make an interactive map, allowing them to switch between websites, social media, documents, and emails while creating maps directly from their content, making it ideal for content creators from different industries to generate visual interactive summaries for their readers or customers quickly.

Mapping made simple

Textomap is a revolutionary web application that makes it easy to generate and view maps with ease. With Textomap, users can view maps in the same tab as they move between websites, social media, documents, and emails. On top of that, they can create maps directly from their own content. This means that content creators from various industries such as travel & tourism providers, educational institutions, news & current events outlets can easily generate visual interactive summaries for their readers or customers in a few seconds.

What are the key features of Textomap?

What are some of the benefits of using Textomap?

What are some drawbacks of using Textomap?

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