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Finnish Startup SPYCE.5 Secures €1M Investment, Welcomes David Sønstebø as Angel Investor


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SPYCE.5, a Finnish Web3 Startup, Receives €1M Investment from Norwegian Entrepreneur

Finnish entrepreneur Kimmo Nurmisto’s startup, SPYCE.5, has successfully raised €1 million in funding and has welcomed David Sønstebø as an angel investor. It specializes in providing sustainable Blockchain and Web3 infrastructure, data, and digital identity as a Service.

This investment not only brings in the necessary financial resources for SPYCE.5 to expand its team but also serves as validation for the company’s mission to make decentralized and sustainable technologies accessible and user-friendly for all.

The investment signifies a significant milestone for them and highlights the growing recognition of its potential in the blockchain market.

SPYCE.5 Revolutionizes Blockchain Adoption with Scalable and User-Friendly Solutions

Being at the forefront of delivering scalable and user-friendly tools and services, It empowers enterprises to harness the advantages of blockchain infrastructure and applications without requiring extensive in-house resources or expertise.

With this recent investment, the company is poised to enhance its capabilities, broaden its network, and foster corporate collaborations. It aims to revolutionize the adoption of blockchain technology, making it more accessible and practical for businesses.

David Sønstebø’s Support Amplifies SPYCE.5’s Vision for a New Digital Economy

David Sønstebø expresses enthusiasm for joining SPYCE.5 and supporting their mission, which aligns with his vision for IOTA—a new digital economy with real-world use cases and enterprise adoption.

Sønstebø’s involvement provides a significant boost to it’s platform and enables further development, expanded capabilities, and enhanced corporate collaborations. The partnership solidifies SPYCE.5’s position as a prominent player in the blockchain domain.

Sustainable Blockchain Technologies Drive SPYCE.5’s Market Contribution

Holger Köther, Co-Founder of SPYCE.5, emphasizes the company’s commitment to delivering blockchain utility for enterprises. The investment from David Sønstebø enables SPYCE.5 to continue developing and expanding its capabilities, networks, and corporate collaborations, meeting the evolving needs of developers and users.

It recognizes the significant role of Blockchain as a Service in driving blockchain mass adoption and is dedicated to contributing to this burgeoning market by providing sustainable blockchain technologies.

SPYCE.5 Poised for Disruptive Growth with Industry Leaders Backing the Startup

Kimmo Nurmisto, Co-Founder, expresses excitement about the future of the company, which is backed by some of the brightest minds in the industry. Nurmisto highlights the collective effort to push blockchain technology forward as the next disruptive force.

SPYCE.5, based in Berlin, firmly believes in the positive impact of decentralized and sustainable technologies on the economy and society.

SPYCE.5’s Mission to Make Web3 Accessible Through Secure and Scalable Blockchain Infrastructure

With its enterprise-ready, modular Web3 plug & play platform, It aims to make the benefits of decentralized and sustainable technologies accessible to all. Built on a secure, scalable, and sustainable blockchain infrastructure, SPYCE.5’s mission is to pave the way for widespread adoption of these transformative technologies.

By providing user-friendly solutions, It seeks to enable businesses to leverage the full potential of Web3 and contribute to a more decentralized and sustainable future.


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