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Community Unites to Support Local Business Owner Battling Rare Cancer

Rare Cancer

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Local Firms Rally Behind Northampton Dad Fighting Cancer

Businesses in Northampton have come together to raise funds for Justin Vanezi, a local business owner and father who has been diagnosed with two types of cancer. The community is showing immense support to help him explore potential treatment options abroad.

A Challenging Diagnosis and Unsuccessful Treatments

At 39 years old, Justin Vanezi received the devastating news of being diagnosed with large B-cell lymphoma in his leg over a year ago. In May 2022, he was further diagnosed with primary cutaneous diffuse B-cell lymphoma, an extremely rare and aggressive form of blood cancer.

Despite undergoing multiple rounds of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the cancer persisted, leading to the search for alternative treatment options.

The Struggle and Uncertainty of a Rare Diagnosis

Mr. Vanezi’s rare cancer affects the skin on his leg, resulting in tumor growth, blistering, swelling, wounds, and limited mobility. The medical professionals initially faced uncertainty in understanding his condition, even considering the possibility of amputating his leg due to the severity of the symptoms.

This challenging period created immense fear and anxiety for Justin and his family.

Exhausting NHS Options and Seeking Alternatives

After undergoing numerous courses of chemotherapy and radiotherapy without success, Justin’s wife, Rebecca Collinson, shares that all available options within the NHS have been exhausted. In their quest to find a potential breakthrough, they are exploring treatment opportunities abroad while continuing to search for alternative clinical trials within the UK.

Fundraising for Hope and Possibilities

In order to support potential future treatments for Justin, Rebecca Collinson initiated a fundraising campaign. Within just two days, the community’s response has been remarkable, with nearly £24,000 raised towards the £200,000 target.

The acts of generosity and empathy demonstrated by friends, neighbors, and even strangers have bestowed Justin and his family with vital hope and encouragement.

The Power of Community and Kindness

Amidst the challenging journey of fighting cancer, Justin Vanezi expresses gratitude for the overwhelming support he has received. The community’s display of kindness has not only relieved financial hardships but also serves as a testament to the innate benevolence and willingness of individuals to offer assistance.

The unity and collective strength of the community have become a source of inspiration and motivation for Justin and his family as they continue their fight against this rare cancer.


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