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Urgent Action Needed: Canadas A.I. Oversight


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A Call for Caution

Canadas leading A.I. professors, Geoffrey Hinton, and Yoshua Bengio, advocate for a pause in the development of powerful A.I. systems. They stress the need for regulations to address the risks associated with artificial intelligence.

Time for a Step Back

Professor Bengio highlights the unexpected acceleration of A.I. development and calls for a global agreement, drawing a parallel with the regulation of nuclear weapons after World War II.

Delays in Legislation

Canadas legislation, the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (C-27), is not expected to take effect until 2025. Further months are required to finalize regulations for the bill, leaving the country behind in terms of A.I. oversight.

Privacy Concerns

Canadian privacy regulators are investigating a complaint related to the data practices of the chatbot ChatGPT. The federal privacy commissioner’s office, along with counterparts in Quebec, British Columbia, and Alberta, are joining the inquiry.

Rapid Adoption and Risks

ChatGPT, an A.I. tool created by OpenAI, has gained over 200 million monthly active users, with various use cases and potential risks. Its exponential growth raises concerns about disinformation and the need for protective measures.

Urgent Regulation Needed

Experts urge the Canadian government to speed up regulation efforts and implement measures such as appropriate labeling for A.I.-generated content. The technology’s rapid integration into society necessitates swift action to address the resulting imbalances and risks.


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